Great Wall of China Damaged By Workers With Excavator

Part of China’s ancient Great Wall was severely damaged by workers who wanted to create a shortcut. According to the police, two construction workers created a shortcut path right in the middle of the ancient wall with an excavator.

Workers Did Irreversible Damage

As per the police, the workers knowingly did irreversible damage to the ancient marvel. The 38-year-old man and the 55-year-old woman were detained immediately after the reports of the crime reached the police. The damaged potion belonged to the 32nd Great Wall established in the Ming Dynasty between 1368 to 1644.

World Heritage Site

This 2000-year-old ancient wall was included in the world’s heritage site by UNESCO back in 1987. As per the local news reports, the Great Wall of China has deteriorated by about 30% because of climate conditions and human intervention in the form of urbanization.

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