US Plans To Unleash Thousands of Autonomous War Drones

Amid China’s increasing military technological sophistication, the US has announced plans to develop autonomous weapons systems. The Pentagon is aiming to deploy thousands of high-tech weapons in the next two years to counter China’s growing military. 

Autonomous Weapons

Autonomous weapons systems, in simple words, are high-tech weapons that are less dependent on human input. As the artificial intelligence penetrates different fields of human inquiry, state militaries have been quite keen in deploying the technology to advance their interests. 

The United States has been uncertain about the capabilities of China because it has never been in a war like the US in the recent past.

China Building Strong Military

Kathleen Hicks, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense, told the military conference in DC that China has developed its military while the US was waging multiple wars.

China has more ships, more missiles and more people, and that too, equipped with sophisticated technology, she said.

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