Japan PM Eat Fukushima Fish To Show It’s Safe To Eat

The Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and three of his cabinet members were seen enjoying lunch on Wednesday. The lunch meeting was an obvious effort to ease the rift between the government and the people over nuclear wastewater.

The Fish is Delicious

The lunch meeting telecasted on national television showed Kishida along with some of his cabinet members, enjoying a rare meal together.

While eating the fish, the PM said the fish was both delicious and safe to eat, in an effort to win over people. Recently, people in South Korea and Japan took to the streets to protest against the release of wastewater, some were also arrested by the police.

China Strongly Opposes Releasing Water

Days after the release of the nuclear power plant water, China imposed a ban on Japanese seafood for safety reasons. Japan condemns China’s Decision to ban as China is the leading Japanese seafood destination.

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