Russian Luna 25 Spacecraft Smashes Into The Moon in Failure

Russian spacecraft Luna 25 has crashed on the moon’s surface. The spacecraft was expected to land a rover on the southern pole of the moon but failed to do so when the Russian space agency lost contact with it. 

Failure After 47 Years

Luna 25 was Russia’s first ever moon mission in 47 years. The mission could have made history by exploring the southern pole where no country has ever made contact before. Russian space agency Roskosmos said the spacecraft collided with the moon’s surface by deviating from the planned path.

Another Space Race

It seems like the world is moving towards yet another space race with world powers struggling to dominate the cosmos. The Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 is expected to land on the southern pole next week, as per the Indian space agency. Meanwhile China is also setting its eyes on the far away planets by allocating billions in funds.

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