Micheal Jackson Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Can Be Revived

US court has said that sexual abuse cases against Micheal Jackson can be revived. The court alleged that two men who were abused in their childhood by Jackson can pursue lawsuits against the companies owned by him. The two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, said they were abused by Jackson four decades ago.

Judges Previously Blocked Lawsuits

In 2020, a ruling from the Los Angeles judge ruled that Mr Safechuck couldn’t continue his cases against Michal Jackson. Mr Robson was also restrained from following lawsuits against MJJ Productions Inc and MJJ Ventures Inc in 2021. But according to the recent ruling, the corporations are entitled to take care of the victims.

Jackson’s Sexual Abuse

Although Jackson’s lawyers claimed that Jackson was innocent, the evidence suggests a different story. Mr Robson and Mr Safechuck, now in their 40s, claimed that they were sexually abused by Jackson for years which was also featured in the 2019 documentary Leaving Neverland.

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