KFC Commits to Deliver 12 Million Meals in UK

KFC has announced plans to distribute 12 million meals in the UK. The international food chain announced partnership with FareShare, a food charity organization, to deliver the meals. KFC is aiming to assist millions in the UK struggling with hunger amid skyrocketing food prices. 

Hunger In The UK

According to official estimates, one out of seven people in the UK are food insecure with an estimated 11.3 million people facing hunger in 2022. People are struggling to make ends meet with skyrocketing food and vegetable prices all over the country. KFC has been in the UK to support families across the country since 2020.

12 Million Free Meals

KFC and FareShare will be sharing 12 million free meals in the country by 2024. Around 250,000 free meals have already been distributed in the community. Free meals wouldn’t solve the bigger problem faced by millions, but it’s just a start and might expand in the future.

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