Historic Hawaii Town Destroyed As Wildfire Blazes Through

Shocking scenes have been circulating on social media as much of the historic Lahaina town burned to the ground. The videos showed apocalyptic scenes where people were jumping into harbor waters to avoid the high-rise blazes that destroyed buildings and businesses.

Worst Disaster in Hawaii’s History

The disaster is believed to be the worst natural disaster in Hawaii’s history, as per the eye-witnesses. Hawaii’s Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke said the fires are unprecedented and have gone out of control and the authorities can’t seem to overcome it. Wildfires coupled with strong winds of Hurricane Dora have left thousands without power and 911 emergency services in the region.

Hospitals Overwhelmed

Hospitals in Maui island are currently overwhelmed as more and more burned patients are being brought. Sylvia Luke told CNN that the hospitals can’t treat so many patients at a time and the transportation problems have further escalated the situation. “911 is down. Cell service is down. Phone service is down. That’s been part of the problem,” Luke said.

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