NASA Spacecraft Captures Breathtaking Views of Volcano World

NASA’s Juno spacecraft has captured remarkable images of the volcano world on one of Jupiter’s moons, called Io. NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently approached the intensely volcanic celestial body, after circling the gas giant Jupiter for around nine years. By the end of this year, Juno is expected to make the closest pass near Io, NASA explained.

Third Largest Jupiter Moon

Io, which is the third largest moon of Jupiter, is the most active object in the solar system, according to NASA. The recent photographs captured by NASA’s JunoCam, also reveal stunning dark blotches that are lava fields from massive volcanoes erupting on the surface of Jupiter’s moon.

Io Volcanoes Can Be Seen On Telescopes

According to NASA’s website, Io’s volcanoes are so huge that they can be seen with telescopes from earth. Keeping in view the huge distance of 453,492,150 miles from earth, the volcanoes can swallow cities on earth.

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