Sleep Expert Reveals Why You Keep Waking Up At 4am

Sleep deprivation may become irritating and make people anxious at times as they can’t figure out what’s wrong. Sleep expert explains why that happens and why most people wake up at around 4 am for unknown reasons.

Diet, Hormones & Age

Lisa Artis, deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity, explains that out of many major reasons, two could be diet and your hormones. A diet high in sugars and processed carbohydrates disturb the blood fluctuations in the blood streams, eventually waking you up at around 4 am, she said. 

Human beings have inbuilt clocks that regulate our day-to-day routine. Melatonin and cortisol are two important hormones that define how we sleep. Not having a proper sleep routine and frequent use of mobile phones can disturb our internal clocks, Lisa mentioned.

Aging can also significantly reduce the efficiency of sleep. Lisa explains as we get older, we tend to produce less melatonin and use more medications, which disturbs our overall sleep.

Tips For Better Sleep

Some of the tips Lisa shares are below,

  1. Don’t consume high carb late at night, instead consume protein packed foods.
  2. Don’t drink too much water before going to bed.
  3. Read and listen to soothing music before bedtime.
  4. Shut down all your electronic gadgets hours before sleep.

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