Russia Declares International Court of Justice Judge ‘Wanted’

The judge of the International Court of Justice who issued an arrest warrant for Putin was declared ‘wanted’ by Russia. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs declared Tomoko Akane, from Japan, wanted under the Criminal Code article of the Russian constitution.

Putin’s Arrest Warrant

The International court of Justice issued an arrest warrant for the Russian President accusing him of deporting thousands of Ukrainian children to Russia. The arrest warrant for Vladamir Putin along with the Russian Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Affairs, was issued on 17 March. Forced deportation of population is a war crime as per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Judge Tomoko Akane

Can The ICC Try Putin?

The ICC can legally prosecute political leaders for “waging aggressive war” or inflicting actions not undertaken in self-defense. The legality of the situation makes sense, on the other hand, arresting a Putin being the President of Russia seems impossible under the current circumstances.

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