Volunteers Found 27 Hacked-Up Bodies in Mexican Border City

Volunteers in Reynosa, a city situated on the Mexico-US border near McAllen, Texas, have uncovered 27 bodies in hidden graves. The remains of these individuals, some brutally dismembered, were found just 15 miles away from the US border. According to searchers, a few of the bodies had been buried so recently that fragments of skin with tattoos were still recognizable.

Gang-Related Murders

Edith González, leader of the search group “For the Love of the Disappeared,” said the burial site may have been used by gangs to dispose victims. According to González, a few of the 16 burial pits held multiple bodies, with some containing two or three corpses. It is possible that gangs had been using this hidden burial site as recently as one or two months ago.

Volunteers Followed A Lead

The search team mentioned that they were guided to the burial sites near an irrigation canal last week, thanks to an anonymous tip they received. However, they also acknowledged that while these tips are helpful, they can present a challenging situation for search groups, primarily composed of mothers or relatives of Mexico’s over 110,000 missing persons.

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