MI6 Spy Head Makes Plea To Russians To Spy For UK

The United Kingdom secret services head has asked Russians fighting for Putin to defect and instead work for MI6. In a rare speech, Sir Richard Moore offered an opportunity to the Russian soldiers to spy for the UK and share secrets with MI6.

Russians Already Spying For MI6

In his speech, Sir Richard also revealed that they have a number of Russian who are silently working for the UK secret services after watching their colleagues dying fighting for Putin. The door was always open for those who wanted to defect and work with western intelligence agencies to work and taught “discretion and professionalism”, he said.

Russia Responded

In response to Sir RIchards’ remarks, the Russian foreign ministry responded by saying any Russian citizens who intend or have defected must think twice, so as not to end like Skripals. Skripals was a Russian intelligence officer who was poisoned for being MI6’s double agent in the 1990s and early 2000s.

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