Meta & Microsoft Releases New AI Language Model

Meta and Microsoft have uncovered a new AI language model called Llama 2. As the tech giants compete for dominance in AI, the new language model is aiming to help businesses and the research community to thrive following cost-effective strategies.

Llama 2 For Commercial Use

The new language model can be directly downloaded via Hugging Face, Amazon Web Services, Hugging Face and will run on the Windows operating system. The model was previously provided only to academic researchers and now it was free for commercial use to enable “many more developers to build with new technology,” Zuckerberg wrote on Facebook.

AI Under Scrutiny Once Again

AI came under scrutiny once again after the release of the Meta’s new language model amid concerns that AI could threaten humanity. The president of global affairs at Meta, Nick Clegg, defended the latest development, saying AI could take over humanity is quite stupid and far away from the Truth.

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