Mysterious Mermaid Skeleton Washes Up On Queensland Beach

An Australian woman was shocked to discover a mysterious skeleton that resembles a mermaid, washed up on the beach of Queensland. Bobbie-Lee Oates, a 34-year-old-woman, discovered the skeleton while she was on a camping trip along with her husband and friends.

Oates Uploaded The Images On Facebook

Oates shared several pictures on a Facebook group dedicated to marine biologists and asked for help in identifying the creature. People in the group proposed various animals such as kangaroos, seals, dolphins, and others, but none of them possessed the distinctive circular skull observed in the images. Some even speculated that the skeleton “looks human” and suggested calling the police.

Most Likely A Seal

Oates sent the images of the mysterious creature to the Queensland museum and asked for help but the museum said they will get back to her within 10 days. Emeritus Professor Helene Marsh Professor in Environmental Science at James Cook University said it was a decomposed marine mammal. Most likely a seal.

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