Tsunami warnings Issued After Massive Earthquake Hits Alaska

A tsunami warning was issued after a massive earthquake shocked Alaska, the warning was later lifted. The US Geological Survey said a 7.4 earthquake hit parts of Alaska, and it could unleash several hours of flooding. The earthquake was experienced extensively across the Aleutian Islands, the Alaskan Peninsula, and Cook Inlet areas.

Tsunami Warning Lifted

The Tsunami warnings were changed into an advisory, indicating that strong waves were still expected after 9am GMT. Geological scientists revised the depth of the earthquake from 9.3km to 32.6 km after further assessments. The USGS reported a separate 5.2 magnitude earthquake in the same vicinity just three minutes after the initial quake on Sunday morning.

No Population Hit

Although the earthquake was felt well across Alaska, no fatalities or injuries were reported by the local communities. The USGS said only those above 4 to 5 magnitudes tend to cause damage to infrastructure and buildings.

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