Scientist Claims 8 Hours Of Sleep Suggestion is A Myth

A scientist from Harvard university has debunked the popular sleep misconception that you need 8 hours of sleep and not otherwise. Dr. Daniel Lieberman, paleoanthropologist at Harvard University, said that the commonly accepted notion of needing eight hours of sleep per night is not just true.

Popular Sleep Myth Debunked

Dr Lieberman has worked extensively in debunking popular myths via his books,research studies and podcasts. He claimed that we can’t blame the 21st century gadgets for disturbing our sleep patterns as the idea of not getting 8 hours of sleep being destructive, has been around since the industrial revolution. “So, this idea that natural human beings sleep eight hours a night is just nonsense”, he said on ‘Diary of a CEO’ podcast.

6-7 Hours Of Sleep is Fine

Dr Lieberman further said that it all comes down to how one feels after waking up. If one feels fine after sleeping for just 6 hours, then that is good, which is usually the case, he said. There is no universally agreed-upon standard for the ideal amount of sleep individuals require, as Dr Lieberman said “it’s complicated”.

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