NASA’s Lost Helicopter On Mars Calls Back After Two Months

NASA was able to re-establish contact with a lost helicopter on Mars after two long months of silence. NASA’s small robotic helicopter Ingenuity, also known as Ginny, got lost on April 26 when it began its 52nd flight on the Red Planet. The agency has regained access to the helicopter and said the chopper is healthy.

NASA Recovered The Data

Immediately after NASA re-established contact with Ingenuity, the scientists tried to recover the data stored on the micro-aircraft. The helicopter descended to the surface of Mars when NASA couldn’t communicate with it due to a Martian hill.

Plans Are Underway For Flight 53

According to NASA, the helicopter looks fine and is ready to take its 53rd flight to explore the Martian surface once again. The next target will be towards the west as the helicopter has to explore rugged terrain, but the next flight could take at least a week, NASA said.

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