Smartwatches Can Detect Parkinson’s Disease 7 Years Ahead

A recent investigative study has revealed that smartwatches can detect Parkinson’s disease seven years ahead of symptoms. A study conducted by the UK health authorities showed that they were able to detect which participants are most likely to develop the disease after following their speed of movement via smartwatches.

The Study

Researchers from the UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff University analyzed data of 103,712 participants via artificial intelligence. The data was collected by making the participants wear smartwatches which tracked down their speed of movement for a single week from 2013 to 2016. The researchers were able to point out 273 of the participants with decreased mobility between 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. based upon the smartwatch data.

Further Studies Required

The researchers involved in the study pointed out that more and more studies needed to be conducted to see how accurate their findings were. It’ll take time to point out the exact causes because “The results from individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease were distinct”, Dr Kathryn Peall told BBC.

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