A 62-year-old grandfather was Horrified to find a live snake inside a broccoli bag he bought from Aldi. Neville Linton, from England, said he bought the groceries from the Aldi branch in Stourbridge last month and stored them in the fridge. After three days, he took the bag out and was about to make a meal when he was shocked to find a snake inside.

The Snake Was Non-Venomous
Mr Linton was horrified to see a snake lurking near the broccli’s stem but fortunately, the snake was non-venomous. The snake was identified as a ladder snake when Mr Linton took the snake to a nearby Dudley Zoo. The Dudley Zoo officials described the snake as non-venomous and a rare species found in southwestern Europe.

Linton Returned The Snake
Mr Linton and his sister drove the snake back to the Aldi store on Dudley Road where Mr Linton had bought the groceries. The Aldi store offered compensation to Mr Linton but he rejected it saying the amount was not worth the risk that he and his family went through.