Violent Protests Erupts in France After Police Kills Teen

The capital of France has been witnessing violent protests after traffic police killed a 17-year-old boy for not obeying orders. Protestors took to the streets after footage of the fatal shooting went viral on Tuesday in the country, causing havoc in Paris.

“Moved The Entire Nation”

The French government has deployed 2,000 riot police to deal with the protests that have turned destructive since Tuesday. The 17-year-old teenager named Nahel received fatal bullet wounds in the chest when the police fired indiscriminately at his car for harming the police. The French President Emmanuel Macron said the incident “moved the entire nation” during his visit to the Mediterranean city Marseille.

Officer Charged With Homicide

The police officer who shot the teenager dead was charged with homicide and an inquiry has been initiated against him. The incident is not the first of its kind in French history, as the police killed 13 people this way in 2022.

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