Innocent Whale Seen Swimming Alongside Kayaker in Sydney

Drone footage captured by Jason Iggleden showed a curious whale swimming alongside a Kayaker in Sydney. The whale was seen swimming silently alongside the Kayaker beneath the waters off Sydney’s eastern beaches.

Close Buddies

The drone footage was captured by Jason Iggleden, who goes by the name “DroneSharkapp” on social media where he monitors the movement of sea mammals. Both the whale and the Kayaker swam, a few meters away from each,  as if they were close buddies enjoying the water, one instagram user commented.

Abundance of Humpbacks Whales Seen

The climate researchers noted that they saw an abundance of humpback whales in this season of migration, at least 5,092 whales on record. The census is done each year during the migration season of sea mammals to keep an eye on their population, which is improving. Vanessa Pirotta, a wildlife scientist said the population has improved significantly but they don’t know what has caused it to improve.

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