1.3 Billion Adults Expected To Have Diabetes By 2050: Report

The number of diabetic adults will reach 1.3 billion by 2050, according to a new research study. The report cited health inequality and increasing obesity to be the major causes behind the future diabetes projections. The rate of diabetes will decrease nowhere around the world but instead will surge, the report published in the lancet journal said.

Bilk of The World Adult Population Will Have Diabetes

Diabetes Will Not Decline

The number of people with diabetes stood at  529 million in 2021, and will increase to more than 1.3 billion. No country in the world will witness any decrease in chronic disease, but it will surely spike to hit the billion mark in the next 30 years. Health experts described the data as “alarming” and said diabetes remains one of the biggest public health threats to existing and future generations.

1/7 Diabetic

The human population surpassed the 8 billion milestone a few months back, and is expected to jump to 9.8 billion by 2050. Considering the numbers, one out of every 7th person will have diabetes, according to the report.

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