Mysterious Rocket Engine Found Off The Irish Coast

The origin of the rocket engine caught by fishermen is still shrouded in mystery. The Virgin Orbit, which was believed to own the engine, said it didn’t belong to them as the features didn’t match any of their systems. The rocket engine was discovered by Union Hall fishermen back in February but has not been claimed by anyone.

Engine Was Attributed To Virgin Orbit 

Initially the rocket engine was attributed to the Virgin Orbit because it had a failed launch month before the engine was discovered. Virgin Orbit’s rocket failed to launch at Cornwall in the southwest of England and the company issued warnings to the public to look for debris as it might fall to the ground. The company said the discovered rocket didn’t belong to them as “the exhaust valves aren’t right”.

Still A Mystery

The rocket engine has not received any owner till yet and the issue still remains a mystery. A spokesperson for Cork City Council said that they have no further details for the public at this time.

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