“Don’t Block My Way” Robot Waiter Gets Upset With Customer

A video of a robot waiter getting upset with a customer in a restaurant went viral on Instagram. The video shows a woman, probably a customer standing in the way for the robot waiter named “peanut”, as she stands there, Peanut tells her “Don’t block my way Please, I have to work otherwise I’ll be fired”.

Peanut Works At U & Me

Peanut has been working in the U & Me Revolving Hot Pot restaurant in Orlando where it has been serving daily customers for years. The video of it getting upset at a customer first went viral on TikTok but was uploaded to Instagram and views surged to more than a million.

Reaction of The Audience

For some of the audience, the video was hilarious as a robot was just making a living while for some, the robot took over someone’s job. One comment read “Robot is just trying to make a living; he doesn’t want to be fired”. “Another job is taken over by robots, and people think this is cute,” wrote another user.

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