Johnny Depp to Donate $1 Million Defamation Money to Charity

Johnny Depp is set to donate the Amber Heard defamation case money to multiple charities. According to multiple reports, Jack Sparrow will donate the settlement money he received from his ex-wife after a legal battle, to charities.

$200,000 To Each Charity

It was revealed by reports that Johnny Depp will donate the money to around five charity organizations namely the The Painted Turtle, Make-A-Film Foundation,  Red Feather, Tetiaroa Society charity and the Amazonia Fund Alliance. $1 million will be distributed equally to all the five charity organizations, $200,000 each.

The Charities

The lawsuit money is expected to land in good hands as most of the organizations are generously supporting communities in America and S.America. Red Feather charity has been providing housing solutions to the indigenous population while the Tetiaroa Society is involved in conservation practices and the Amazonia Fund Alliance has been protecting indigenous communities in Amazon.

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