Professor Resurfaces After Spending 100 Days Underwater

A Professor from Florida has resurfaced after spending 100 days underwater. Dr Joseph Dituri, also known as “Dr Deep Sea,” has set a Guinness World Record for spending 100 days 30-feet underwater at a Florida Keys lodge. The place where Dr Joseph completed the century was depressurized, which means the water pressure was unlike submarines and could potentially pose health problems.

It Was Never About The Record

After coming out of the Key Largo lagoon, Dr Joseph said that the stay was never about breaking or setting a new world record but more about “extending human tolerance for the underwater world”. The 100 days underwater project was named “Neptune 100” by the Marine Resources Development Foundation.

Project Neptune 100

The foundation didn’t use submarine technology for the project because it wanted to experiment the effect of compressors on  overall physical and psychological well being. Dr Joseph was tasked with performing a different set of activities to test his body’s response to the pressure.

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