Strong Sonic Boom Heard As US Jets Intercepts Plane in DC

A huge sonic boom was heard by the residents of Washington as US Air Force jets intercepted an unresponsive plane in the airspace. People in Washington were scared to hear an unusual sound of US jets after Cessna 560 Citation V aircraft flew over some of the most restricted airspace in the country.

The Plane Didn’t Respond

According to a statement fromThe North American Aerospace Defense Command, the Cessna aircraft didn’t respond to the fighter jets without any reason at all. The unresponsive plane descended and crashed somewhere in Virginia without the fighter jets firing at it. 

No Survivors Found

After the plane crashed, Police and rescuers went on foot and reached the wreckage but could not find any survivors. The Florida-based company who owns the business said that there were four people on board including his daughter, granddaughter, nanny and the pilot.

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