Joe Biden Falls On Stage At US Air Force Ceremony

The US President Joe Biden fell on stage and then quickly recovered as he moved towards his seat. After handing over the graduation diploma to one of the Air Force graduates, he fell to the ground and was helped by three people.

Biden Got Sandbagged

Later on, the White House officials said that there was a sandbag on stage due to which the President fell to the ground. There was nothing serious to be worried about and now “He is fine”, Ben LaBolt, the White House communications director said in a tweet. When he returned to the White House, the President told reporters that he was sandbagged.

The Oldest US President

President Joe Biden, who is 80-years-old, is already the oldest President in US history and has been criticized for his old age. The repeated stumbles are likely to add more questions about Biden’s physical health as he has also decided to run for yet another presidential term in 2024.

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