AI System Face Questions After It Failed To Detect Weapon

An AI system that has been installed in schools across the US failed to detect a student carrying a knife to the Utica City School District in New York last year. Now the AI firm Evolv Technology has been facing questions about how the system couldn’t detect a 9-inch knife.

The Stabbing

On Halloween last year’s Halloween, a knife stabbing crime was reported to the police when student Ehni Ler Htoo was stabbed by another student from behind. The CCTV footage revealed that the 17-year-old-suspect went straight through the AI weapons detection system without being detected as he approached his victim and stabbed him multiple times.

Knife Used in City School Stabbing

School Changed The System

The school immediately removed and replaced the scanners costing them around $250,000. In February, five law firms announced investigations into Evolv Technologies for violating the securities law. A BBC report also revealed that the system is faulty as it missed 42% of large knives during a test.

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