Study Reveals Brain Connections Linked to Future Suicide Risk

Scientists have identified a brain marker that could potentially uncover suicide risk in the future. Suicide have been one of the major issues in the United States with 130 people taking their own lives, with reasons unknown. Researchers have now uncovered a link between cognitive control and past history, if identified on time, could prevent people from committing suicides.

Researchers Studied War Veterans

Researchers studied the post-9/11 veterans who were exposed to trauma. Participants were given a resting functional MRI scan, and the study primarily focused on veterans who attempted suicides in one to two year assessment. The results were matched with a control group consisting of war veterans  with no record of suicide attempts.

The Brain Connection

Researchers found out brain markers that were responsible for suicide attempts in some war veterans. The study concluded that the brain connections between the cognitive control of individuals (acting in an acceptable way) and their past experiences (including years old experiences), were the main triggering  points which led the war veterans to end their lives in most of the cases.

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