US Smoking Rate Dropped To All Time Low In 2022

US adult smoking dropped to an all-time low in 2022, according to a latest data. Last year, 1 in 9 individuals were cigarette smokers which has now decreased to 1 in 17, according to the latest data. A report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed 27,000 adult individuals and concluded that the decreased rate indicates a positive trend in the US population.

Previous Findings

Cigarette smoking has always been a problem in the US with 42% of adult population smoking in 1962. The rate has gradually decreased over the years due to taxes, smoking bans and people becoming more conscious about health. The rate stood at 11% in 2022 down from 12.5% in 2020.

Why More Americans Are Quitting?

According to Dr. Charlie Shaeffer, a cardiologist from California, the downward trajectory didn’t happen overnight as it took decades of anti-smoking campaigns. Experts believe that increase in cigarette prices, smoke-free laws and anti-smoking campaigns have been major contributors to such a huge milestone.

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