A Cotswold’s penguin was crowned as world’s most favorite by charity Penguins International. The King penguin named Spike won the global competition after getting the highest number of votes, after leaving behind an African penguin called Mai by a close 1 percent margin.

Spike Has A Real Personality
Spike is believed to have a real personality and has developed a family-like bond with his keeper Alistair Keen. He was abandoned by his penguin parents in 2007 and since then he has become one of the country’s best-known penguins.

Media Coverage
Spike has around 15,000 Facebook fan base and has also been featured in David Attenborough TV programme called Natural Curiosities. Further moments on television involve Spike’s recent guest appearance on BBC Breakfast, as well as his involvement in shows such as ‘Penguins Make You Laugh Out Loud’ and ‘Junior Vets’. Spike has also been featured on calendars, greeting cards, and even natural history books.