Report Says King Charles Personal Net Worth Is $745 Million

According to the British newspaper, the Sunday Times, the estimated net worth of King Charles stands at $745 million. The Times reported that King’s personal wealth is £600 million, which is equivalent to $745 million, surpassing her mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

King Surpassed Mom’s Net Worth

King’s net worth has officially Surpassed that of his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away at the age of 96 in September of last year. In the previous year, the Sunday Times estimated Queen’s net worth to be around £370 million, equivalent to roughly $460 million USD. The royal family have not responded to the developments so far.

King Left Behind Other Millionaires

The King’s riches have left behind those of other millionaires such as David and Victoria Beckham, as well as Sir Elton John. The calculation of the King’s net worth takes into account various elements, such as the two exclusive royal estates called the duchies, along with the Sandringham Estate and Balmoral Castle.

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