Revolutionary New Camera Predicts Volcanic Eruptions

A new low-cost camera known as SO2, developed by scientists is able to detect volcanic eruptions in advance. Scientists shall be able to forecast volcanic eruptions by using this low-cost camera which is capable of identifying the quantity of sulphur dioxide (SO2) beneath the volcanoes. 

The SO2 camera

Ultraviolet Sensitive Sensors

From the mid-2000s, ultraviolet SO2 cameras have emerged as essential devices for measuring gaseous emissions from volcanoes. However, earlier versions of these cameras were expensive, costing over $20,000. According to the lead author of the study, Dr Thomas Wilkes, the new camera cost around $5,000 each, making it a much more affordable option.

The SO2 camera installation on volcano in Chile

Consumes Less Power

As compared to the previous versions, the new camera is more energy efficient. It consumes an average of 3.75 Watts, which is nearly half of what was necessary to operate the previous volcanic detecting sensors.

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