5 Mind Blowing Ways ‘AI’ Can Transform Organ Transplants

Recent years saw abrupt revolutionary AI tools that have the potential to make our work easier and simpler, but it has received little attention for its applications in the medical field. A new study by Mayo Clinic investigated AI’s potential in extending its help to further enhance human organ transplants.

1) More Usable Organs

AI’s Organ perfusion systems can accelerate the time required for the organ to be used in the transplants. These mechanical devices can help increase the time for donor organs to survive more outside the human body.

2) Preventing Organ Rejection

Organ rejection has remained an important issue that the transplant surgeons have to face. AI’s electrocardiogram can be used to reduce the risk of rejection and prevent transplant related deaths.

3) Preventing Transplant Need

Efforts are underway to use the AI for early detection of organ failures. The possibility of AI detecting prior organ failures and making it possible to prevent future organ failure is something we can see very soon. 

4) Organ Matching

AI has the potential to unlock the possibility of improving organ matches from donors to the recipients. Mayo Clinic study revealed that AI-based systems can detect the health of the organs.

5) Improved Care After Transplant

In the coming few years, AI will be able to prescribe relevant doses of immunosuppressants that can exponentially decrease the side effects associated with the medications. 

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