MIT Researchers Develop Cheap Device To Measure Air Pollution

Researchers from MIT have developed a low-cost, pollution-detecting device that helps people measure air quality. The air pollution detector is a mobile device that can be adjusted on vehicles and buildings too. The device known as “Flatburn” is solar-powered and also stores data to be evaluated later.

City Scanner Project

Flatburn is a part of the “City Scanner project” by MIT, aimed at mounting air sensors on vehicles and other places. Back in 2017, a team of researchers from MIT started developing a portable pollution detection device, The devices were to be used on garbage trucks in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The devices have already been put to use in New York City and Boston.

Better Than Previous Devices

The devices were able to detect Nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter over an area of 10 meters. The results from New York and Boston led the researchers to conclude that Flatburn was more accurate than the previous devices. 

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