Report Says Covid Virus Was Leaked From Chinese Lab

A new US agency report emerged claiming that covid-19 was a result of an accidental laboratory leak in the Chinese city of Wuhan. An intelligence report from the Department of Energy concluded that the covid virus was the result of a lab leak contradicting the views of scientists on animal transfer being the cause.

Lab Leak Was Accidental

Although the report has not yet been officially published, news outlets have been reporting it after its story emerged in the Wall Street Journal. The report did not comment if the leak was intentional but rather said that it was accidentally spread to one of the researchers. 

Stop Politicizing

On the other hand, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said that the issue should not be politicized. The response came as a result of comments by Nicholas Burns, US ambassador to China, where he called upon China, to be honest about the origins of the virus.

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