The chief of the United Nations’ biodiversity has said that if nature continues to thrive in the backwards direction, life will cease to exist on our planet. In the last five decades, our earth has experienced an enormous amount of degradation at the hands of humans, which is now threatening our own existence on the planet.
Foundation Of Life
The variety and variability of life on Earth is referred to as biodiversity or biological diversity. It is the measure of variety at the genetic (genetic variability) and environmental (ecosystem diversity) levels. The UN chief right mentioned that it is the foundation of life. “Without it, there is no life,” Elizabeth Maruma Mrema said.
The Global Biodiversity Framework
Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is the programme led by the United Nations to address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, climate change and temperature rise. The purpose is to “reverse and halt the loss of biodiversity,” Ms Mrema said