Republicans Win Majority In House Of Representatives

Finally, it happened as expected, the conservatives have won the US house of representatives. The ‘red wave’ couldn’t materialize in the senate as the republicans still need one more seat to draw the results. Now the government is divided between the parties, with democrats expected to win the December 6 seat. Republicans gained 218 while the democrats gained only 211.

The Democrats Punished

Democrats failed to appease the public amid high inflation and soaring energy bills in the last two years of Biden’s administration. The democrats were punished for reasonable reasons as the polls showed ‘inflation’ to be the primary concern of one-third of the voters. Edison Research also showed that for one-quarter of voters, abortion was the top most concern.

2024 Presidential Elections

The midterm elections are almost over and the eyes are on the presidential election of 2024. In a recent speech, former president Donald Trump categorically said that he is going to run for president in 2024. 

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