Poland Demands Germany To Pay $1.3 Trillion For World War II Damages

The Polish government has demanded Germany pay $3 trillion in compensation for its alleged role in destroying Poland in the second world war. Such demands have been put forward by Poland in the past as well. Before the visit of a German diplomat to Poland, the Foreign Minister of Poland signed a diplomatic note to Germany to pay for the damages.

The German Response

In response, Germany said that everything regarding the compensation has already been settled in the past. The recent move after Poland demanded the exact same amount last month too. ‘‘Settle the issue of the consequences of aggression and German occupation,” Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said.

The Destruction

Poland saw its 6 million inhabitants dead including 3 million jews in the second world war. The dead included the entire educated population of then Poland’s state. The calculated damage to Poland’s economy was $3 trillion. 

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