What’s Inside The CIA’s Top Secret Museum?

Unlike other museums in the world, A top secret Museum is located inside the CIA’s headquarters in Virginia. It is surprising to see things that are of immense importance for American contemporary history. The Museum has every artifact from the very birth of the agency. The museum moves in chronological order from the CIA’s early days in 1947 through the Cold War, with the terrorist attack of September 11, an important event shifting the focus towards counter-terrorism.

The model of the Abbottabad compound where Osama lived

From Osama To Zawahiri

The museum has the leather jacket he was wearing when he was hiding the coalition forces in 2003. Those who visit the museum can see a gun found with Osama bin Laden when he was executed in 2011, Pakistan. There are more than 600 artifacts in the entire museum including a cigarette packet with a secret camera inside and a pigeon with an embedded tiny camera inside.

Lost Soviet Submarine

The museum also has the wreckage of the lost Soviet submarine. The submarine was lost somewhere in the ocean floor and the CIA was eager to locate and recover it. 

The model of the lost soviet submarine

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