Mighty Storm Hits Eastern Canada

A powerful storm has hit the eastern part of Canada with hurricane-force winds days after it destroyed parts of the Caribbean leaving more than a million people without electricity in Puerto Rico. The recorded speed of the storm is reported to be around 90 miles per hour in the Atlantic Ocean in eastern Canada. The storm changed from a hurricane into a powerful cyclone on Friday.

Winds are extending far from Fiona’s center

Trudeau Delayed Departure For Japan

As the country faced a natural calamity in its eastern part, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delayed his departure for Japan. He was to attend the funeral of the ex-Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. The obvious reason for the delay was to look over the emergency response and be able to hear briefings on the situation.

CBC News

Earlier Warnings

Hurricane warnings were issued by the authorities to the residents of multiple areas including Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, south-eastern, western and south-western Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and some parts of Quebec bordering the Gulf of St Lawrence.

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