Inmates Save Deputies’ Life During Medical Emergency

On July 10 at about 6 PM, Deputy Warren Hobbs, did his final count of inmates, he was feeling fine at that moment. After the countdown, he went back to his office when he started having a sudden sharp headache, he brushed it off due to “sleep deprivation” & took an aspirin. After a few minutes, he began to feel restless & his eyesight started to feel blurry.

Meanwhile, inmate Mitchell Smalls was watching all this from Unit 510.

Inmate Mitchell Smalls To The Rescue


“I’m normally asleep at that time, because my work shift starts at 12:30 a.m., but I was randomly awake,” said Smalls, 27. “I’m in the only room where you can see behind the deputy’s desk. I looked out my window and saw him slouched down. He kept slouching more and more. I pushed my intercom button and rang my bell, but Deputy Hobbs didn’t reply. I knew something wasn’t right.

After that, he started banging on the door crazy to wake other inmates up, he did not want the deputy to fall off the high chair, but unfortunately, he fell. He slammed his head on the floor and there was a puddle of blood all over. Suddenly, Hobbs wokeup by the loud noises.

Hobbs made himself get up & hit the button to open the door to Unit 617, then fell back to the ground.

At some point, Hobbs unknowingly keyed his mic, which signaled to other deputies that he needed help. Assistance was en route, but the inmates did not know that.

Credit: Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office

The residents of Unit 617, Walter Whitehead and Terry Loveless, immediately got out to help Hobbs.

Soon after, An EMT arrived and performed an electrocardiogram, on Hobbs’ heart. He was placed on a stretcher and taken to Northside Gwinnett Hospital, where the doctor said Hobbs’ heart rate was abnormal, his blood pressure was high, and his potassium and magnesium levels were low.

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