Eating Less Doesn’t Help Lose Weight, New Study Reveals

Most of the time we exercise, eat less and do everything we can to look better and avoid gaining fat but we don’t seem to notice any changes. Have you ever questioned the very reason why it happens?

Studies conducted by Weill Cornell Medicine Investigators (WCMI), A well-established recognized scientific discovery and patient care facility, since 1898, in New York, have come across very interesting developments recently. The study reveals that the disturbance of the circadian clock process can cause the body to gain weight despite eating less and exercising. The Circadian cycles are natural internal processes that happen in every living being, primarily concerned with the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.

“If you stress the animals at the wrong time, it has a dramatic effect. The mice aren’t eating differently, but a big shift in metabolism causes weight gain.” 

Dr Mary Teruel
Dr Mary Teruel

When the circadian rhythm is disordered, our healthy metabolic system is under attack from multiple forces and that is how our entire healthy natural system is undermined, Dr. Mary Teruel discloses. Recent Circadian cycle tests were conducted on mice and fruit flies. Researchers conducting these experiments control the environment of the subject by altering both light and dark periods. After exposing them to different environments, they look for changes in gene activity. Scientists also examine organisms with disordered circadian rhythms to determine which genetic constituents of biological clocks may be broken.

What are Circadian Rhythms?

Circadian Rhythms are internal natural processes inside humans and other living organisms that respond primarily to light and affect all living beings. One example of Circadian Rhythms is sleeping at night and waking up during the day. Understanding Circadian Rhythms may help us treat sleep disorders, mental health problems, obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder, and other health problems.  Dr. Mary Teruel and her colleagues are now trying to determine why disorganizing the daily rhythms of glucocorticoids causes short-term protective metabolic changes. They also want to learn whether continued stress or a high-fat diet makes these disruptions permanent.

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