California Going Back To Mask Mandate Again

A new rise of COVID cases and hospitalizations prompted 12 Bay Area health authorities to suggest that people wear masks indoors on Friday.

According to a news release, the Bay Area now has California’s highest COVID infection rates, powered by omicron subvariants.

COVID-19 Rise In San Francisco

More than 60 people have been hospitalized in San Francisco due to COVID-19, the largest increase in the Bay Area. It’s a manageable caseload for hospitals, according to Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine at UCSF.

Wearing higher-quality masks indoors, such as N95, KN95, or snug-fitting surgical masks, according to Bay Area health officials, is a prudent decision that will help individuals protect their health.

Mask Mandate

A federal judge on April 18 overturned the federal government’s national mask order for public transportation, commercial flights, and transportation hubs such as airports and train stations. The Transportation Security Administration in the United States has stopped enforcing the rule, and major domestic airlines have made face-covering optional. The Justice Department announced on April 20 that it will appeal the decision.

At this time, no state requires a mask mandate.

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