Omicron Estimated To Be 58.6% Of Coronavirus Variants in U.S.- CDC

Omicron Estimated To Be 58.6% Of Coronavirus Variants in U.S.- CDC

In the United States Of America, for the week ending Dec. 25, 58.6% of the coronavirus variants were identified as being Omicron variants, according to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

On Dec.1, a fully vaccinated person who had traveled to South Africa was identified as the first person in the USA to contract the fast-spreading variant. This variant was first discovered in southern Africa and Hong Kong in November.

On Tuesday, according to the public health agency, Delta variants account for 41.1% of COVID-19 cases,

In the projections, the agency said that the weighted estimates generated at later dates might differ from the modeled projections.

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