German Regional Health Ministers Call For Tighter Rules On UK Arrivals

German Regional Health Ministers Call For Tighter Rules On UK Arrivals

Germany’s regional health ministers have called for a nationwide ban on people arriving from Britain, where the Omicron coronavirus variant has sparked an outbreak that is now happening at epidemic levels.

Germany has called on Berlin to classify Britain as a virus-variant area, meaning people arriving from the country would have quarantine for two weeks even if they’re vaccinated.

“The spread of Omicron in the UK is very evident. We have to prevent it for as long a possible and slow down its progress.” These were some of the ministers’ comments.

As of Monday, Britain is now a low-risk area. The result of this is that passengers who have been immunized against COVID-19 or spent time recovering from COVID-19 need not provide any further testing before travelling to the UK.

Individuals without vaccinations will need to be tested and isolated.

The UK has reported a record number of daily COVID-19 infections for the past three days, reaching 90,000 on Friday alone.

The number of reported infections in Germany rose steeply through October and November, but have been slowly falling since December. 50968 were recorded as confirmed on Friday
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