Former Cambodian Premier Prince Norodom Ranariddh Dies At 77

Norodom Ranariddh

The former Cambodian Prime Minister, Prince Norodom Ranariddh has died in France at age 77. He’s best remembered for his royalist political party that won elections back when (1993). His coalition partner Hun Sen ousted him from power with a 1997 coup – but not before they had ruled together longer than anyone else since monarchy ended nearly five decades ago!

Information Minister Khieu Kanharith confirmed that Prince Ranariddh passed away in Paris.

He was the most political member of Cambodia’s royal family, continuing to lead his party Funcinpec even after being deposed as king last year by Prime Minister Hun Sen and taking up residence at France’s presidential palace earlier this month with their support until elections can be held later this year or early next one

In 2017, he outraged Hun Sen’s opponents by saying there was no other choice than to support the Cambodian leader. His words came as a surprise for many who had seen previous elections end up being contested Winner takes all and one-party rule from the 1990s onward; but now that resistance seems futile since Prime Minister Hun Sen has effectively sidelined all opposition parties while presides over an unbroken parliamentary majority which some would say is not exactly democratic–how can you fight back?

Despite living in the shadow of King Norodom Sihanouk’s charisma, Ranariddh emerged from the shadows. He led Funcinpec party to victory in 1993 historic U-N vote that was end decade long civil war Cambodia and had an agreement with Hun Sen former leader Communist government on sharing power but later became ousted when this man saw an opportunity.

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