Couple To Donate $100 Million To Help African Parks

The Rob and Melani Walton Foundation (RMWF), a conservation non-profit organization, has pledged $100 million to African Parks, making it one of the biggest contributions ever made to the conservation of protected areas in Africa.

This donation will help African Parks extend its effect over the next decade, protecting a substantial percentage of Africa’s biodiversity for the long-term benefit of local populations while also helping to develop the organization’s endowment to assure consistent financing.

Rob and Melani Walton have been essential partners of African Parks from its beginning, and have long been advocates of sustainability and conservation activities across the world.

The $100 million donation will be spread out over the following five years, with $75 million going toward the Rob and Melani Walton Endowment, which will be the largest endowment contribution in African Parks’ history, ensuring the organization’s long-term viability and development.

The remaining $25 million will be used to maintain parks under African Parks’ administration that are in desperate need. A part of these monies will be utilized in collaboration with the Legacy Landscapes Fund for five-year matching grants to Iona National Park in Angola and Odzala-Kokoua National Park in the Republic of Congo.

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