Anti-Mask Protestor Dies Of COVID-19 In Texas

At the age of 30, a Texas man who led a group of “Freedom Defenders” against mask laws died of COVID-19.

The Standard-Times stated that Caleb Wallace helped organize “The Freedom Rally” on July 4, 2020, which was characterized in a brochure as a nonviolent demonstration by those “sick of the government being in control of our lives.”

Jessica revealed her husband’s death on a GoFundMe page detailing his battle with COVID-19 during the previous few weeks.

The San Angelo Standard-Times stated that Wallace had been unconscious since August 8.

Jessica Wallace said her husband became ill in late July but was “very hard-headed.”

Wallace’s wife stated she didn’t always agree with her husband’s views and that she wears a mask.

Wallace leaves behind three children and a pregnant wife.

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